Friday, June 01, 2007

It's finally June!

May seemed to drag on forever, but June has finally arrived. June 7 is a few days away, but I can definitely see the end of the school year in sight.

A lot has changed since my last post. One major change happened last Tuesday, May 29: I began working at KY3. I have gone through the first phase of learning how to work the TelePrompTer, which also bears such names as "electronic speech notes," "cueing device," "idiot board" (slang), "prompter," and "autocue."

Tonight, I was trained on camera two in the studio. It was a little hectic tonight because of some breaking weather news; we had some water rescues and some other things creep up in the 9 o'clock hour as a result of some heavy rain that popped up in our region just before the 5 p.m. newscast began.

Things are going well at KY3, but I have concurrently been teaching. Working from 7:30 a.m. until 10:45 p.m. hasn't made my transition into the job as smooth as it normally could've been, but I will feel more like a human being after school is out this coming Thursday.

Speaking of school, I didn't sign to renew my contract to work at Jarrett this next year. I feel like I've made the right decision and know that a launch into a full-time career will open for me in the months to come. I have faith, definitely.

Well, I do need to catch up on some Z's, so I will write more later. Hopefully, though, it won't be a month later.

Hasta pronto.

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